The weed killer Roundup, which is the best selling herbicide in the world, is being investigated after multiple studies discovering that its active ingredient “glyphosate” is linked to an increased risk of cancer, or more specifically, non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL). Thousands of lawsuits have and are continuing to be filed against the product’s manufacturer, Monsanto (Bayer), claiming that they failed to sufficiently warn users of these increased risks in order to avoid profit losses. The Dunken Law Firm is accepting cases throughout Mississippi and nationwide, on behalf of those affected by RoundUp. Have your case reviewed for free by our Mississippi Roundup lawsuit lawyer. Call today at (713) 554-6780 or filling out our online contact form.
The herbicide RoundUp is manufactured by Monsanto, recently bought by Bayer, and was introduced in 1974 as the first weed killer to include glyphosate in its formulation. Solvents and surfactants are also mixed with glyphosate to create a chemical that increases mobility and more direct access to the plant cells. This in turn, increases the amount of absorption time, allowing RoundUp to inhibit the production of an enzyme that is necessary for plant growth.
In the late 1990s, Monsanto released genetically modified corn, soybean and cotton seeds that could withstand the weed killer, which resulted in a dramatic increase in the use of glyphosate. Between 1992 and 2016, the amount of glyphosate used nationwide grew from 13.9 million pounds to 287 million pounds, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
During that same period of time, in Mississippi, the following five counties are reported to have had the highest use of glyphosate:
In 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified the chemical as “probably carcinogenic to humans,”although during a routine review of its glyphosate registration, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) stated that glyphosate does not cause cancer. However, as three RoundUp cancer cases have made it to trial, long-held corporate secrets regarding Monsanto and their influence on the EPA have surfaced. In one instance, taking place in the 1980s, after protests from Monsanto the EPA covered up a study conducted by their own scientists which discovered that rare kidney tumors developed in mice that were dosed with glyphosate. Additionally, there have reportedly been numerous cases of Monsanto employees allegedly ghostwriting papers and studies, stating that glyphosate poses no health risks. A recent analysis completed by the University of Washington and published in 2019 further contradicted statements made regarding glyphosate’s safety by Monsanto and the EPA. The research found that RoundUp actually drastically increases chances of contracting some cancers by more than 40 percent.
As RoundUp’s glyphosate is now at the center of thousands of cancer lawsuits against Bayer, those who work in the agricultural industry, such as farmers, are especially at risk due to high and continuous exposures. Other individuals potentially in danger include landscapers, groundskeepers, nursery or garden center employees, and even general consumers who consistently use RoundUp in their yards. Glyphosate exposure can occur through inhalation, absorption through the skin, or by ingesting contaminated food or water.
Any person in Mississippi who has continuously used RoundUp and in turn received a cancer diagnosis is likely entitled to pursue compensation. Victims are able to seek damages for past and ongoing medical treatment, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.
Consult directly with one of our highly qualified attorneys today for your Roundup herbicide lawsuit. We offer free case evaluations, contact us through our online request form or by calling (713) 554-6780.